

Charter School Website Requirements Checklist  

This checklist is provided as a resource tool to promote continuous improvement in ensuring charter schools’ websites are aligned with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 124E and other applicable laws.  Requirements in bold are required of all charter schools. 
Board and Oversight  
Admissions and Lottery 
Annual Reports
Academic Information 
Management Organizations
  • The final proposed management contract or agreement between a charter school and a charter school management organization (CMO) or education management organization (EMO).*
  • Any changes made to the posted contract or agreement described above during the public review and comment period.*
  • Any proposed amendment to an adopted management contract or agreement.*
  • A statement of assurance that no member of the school board, staff, or any agent of the school has been promised or received any form of compensation or gifts from the CMO or EMO and that no board member, employee, or agent of the CMO or EMO or any of the organization affiliates or providers serve on the charter school board.*
  • The evaluation of the services provided by the CMO or EMO conducted as part of the independent review and evaluation prior to the end date of the contract or agreement.*

Safety and Health 
*If applicable
You can see more of CSE's policies on our Board of Directors section here:


Charter School Website Requirements Checklist  

This checklist is provided as a resource tool to promote continuous improvement in ensuring charter schools’ websites are aligned with the requirements of Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 124E and other applicable laws.  Requirements in bold are required of all charter schools. 
Board and Oversight  
Admissions and Lottery 
Annual Reports 
Academic Information 
Safety and Health 
You can see more of CSE's policies on our Board of Directors section here: